Numerical Modeling of Acoustic Wave Propagation
1 Acoustic wave equation
The acoustic wave equation in vector form is given by
$$ p_{tt}=c^2 \nabla^2 p \tag{1} $$
where, $p$ is the acoustic pressure, $c$ is the propagation speed of acoustic wave, $p_{tt}$ is the second time derivative of $p$, and $\nabla^2$ denotes the $Laplacian$ operator. We will discretize the equation using finite difference method in the following parts.
2 Propagation in 1D space
The Taylar’s series of $p(t+\Delta t)$ and $p(t-\Delta t)$ are given by
\left \{
p(t+\Delta t) &= p(t) + p’(t)\Delta t + \frac{1}{2}p’'(t)\Delta t^2 + \mathcal{O}(\Delta t^2)\\
p(t-\Delta t) &= p(t) - p’(t)\Delta t + \frac{1}{2}p’'(t)\Delta t^2 + \mathcal{O}(\Delta t^2)
\right. \tag{2},
so we get $p_{tt}$ in discrete form as
$$ p_{tt}=\frac{\partial ^2 p(x, t)}{\partial t^2}= \frac{p(x, t+\Delta t)-2p(x, t)+p(x, t-\Delta t)}{\Delta t^2} \tag{3}. $$
Similarly, the discretae form of $\nabla^2p$ becomes
$$ \nabla^2 p = \frac{p(x+\Delta x)-2p(x)+p(x-\Delta x)}{\Delta x^2} \tag{4}. $$
Lastly, we get the 3-point finite difference in time and space domains of 1D acoustic wave and the updated pressure is given by
p(x, t+\Delta t) &= 2p(x, t) - p(x, t-\Delta t)\\
&+ \frac{c^2\Delta t^2}{\Delta x^2}[p(x+\Delta x, t)-2p(x, t)+p(x-\Delta x, t)]
\end{aligned} \tag{5}.
For simplicity, we rewrite eq. (5) as $$ p^{i+1}_j = 2p^i_j-p^{i-1}_j + \frac{c^2\Delta t^2}{\Delta x^2}[p^i_{j+1}-2p^i_j+p^i_{j-1}] \tag{6}, $$
where, $i, j$ indicate the indices of time and space, respectively.
3 Propagation in 2D space
For the acoustic wave in 2D homogenous space domains, we have
$$ \frac{\partial ^2p(x, t)}{\partial t^2} = c^2 [\frac{\partial ^2p(x, t)}{\partial x^2} + \frac{\partial ^2p(x, t)}{\partial y^2}] \tag{7}. $$
Here, we use $i, j, k$ to indicate the indices of time, $x$ and $y$, respectively. Thus, $$ p^{i+1}_{j, k}=2p^i_{i, j}-p^{i-1}_{j,k}+c^2\Delta t^2 [\frac{p^i_{j, k+1}-2p^i_{j,k}+p^i_{j,k-1}}{\Delta x^2}+ \frac{p^i_{j+1, k}-2p^i_{j,k}+p^i_{j-1,k}}{\Delta y^2}+ ] \tag{8}. $$
4 Stability condition
$$ \frac{c \Delta t}{\Delta x} \le 1 \tag{9}. $$
5 Numerical examples
We use Ricker wavelet as the excitation of the acoustic wave equation,
and the Ricker wavelet is given by
r(t)=\{1-2[\pi f_0 (t-t_0)]^2\} e^{-[\pi f_0 (t-t_0)]^2} \tag{10},
where, $f_0$ is the center frequency, and $t_0$ is the shift time.
The following figure shows the shape of Ricker wavelet waveform in
time domain with given parameters.
5.1 1D
5.2 2D
Author Geophydog
LastMod 2020-09-21